There are many ways to help the horses of HHERS, whether you donate, volunteer, share our page or interact with our content, every little bit makes a difference.

Make a difference with us!

  • Make a donation

    Whether you make a one time donation, or you set up for monthly donations, we are incredibly grateful to any financial assistance we receive, as we cannot do it alone. $1, $50 or $500, we consider ourselves blessed with every dollar that comes in towards the care of the horses.

  • Sponsor A Horse

    When you do a monthly sponsorship of a horse at HHERS, you’re helping us with the regular maintenance required for them. It’s a beautiful way to make a difference in a special horses life.

  • Volunteer

    We are always needing something done around here! Whether it’s fixing fences, mucking paddocks or topping up waters, there’s never a day without many chores. If you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, please reach out!